Arthur Roeloffzen
Arthur Roeloffzen graduated as a graphic designer in 2007 at ArtEZ Academy of Art & Design Arnhem. After an internship at Information Design Studio in Amsterdam he started working at Studio Joost Grootens. Autumn 2009 he started the research master Artistic Research at the University of Amsterdam at which he graduated summer 2011 after which he started his own studio.
He is a tutor at the master Information Design at Design Academy Eindhoven since autumn 2012, where he also programs the deparment’s lecture series since autumn 2015. He tutored at the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam spring 2017 and is a tutor at the Master Institute of Visual Cultures since autumn 2017. All courses, modules, workshops and lectures deal with visual language, information infrastructure and cultural, corporate and political power.
These subjects are explored in his autonomous research and design as well and often find their way in commissioned work in the field of architecture, art, design, journalism, music and philosophy in the form of book design and exhibition graphics. Currently he is working on a series of works on U.S. politics, both domestic and foreign, to be published autumn 2021.